Results-Based Accountability (RBA) Training for the Alliance, with consultant Erika Bernabei, with a Racial Equity focus
On August 7-8. 2017, we were joined by consultant Erika Bernabei who led the SF MBSK Alliance through two days of Racial Equity-Focused Results-Based Accountability training. The purpose of this work is to ensure that data--which of course can be used a number of ways--is being used for good. The process starts with the desired result; in order to see the outcomes we desire, how do we get there?
As a result of our work focused on RBA, we arrived at four performance measure focus areas:
Life Course Pilots
Justice Policy
Community Collaborative
Champions Board
Achieving our goals in this work relies heavily on systems and structures for accountability. In our fall workshop with Erika, we will continue to refine our answers to the questions: How do we make folks accountable? Who do we hold accountable? We look forward to sharing our progress along the way.